New book with authors from NCSRD-INN: Beyond-CMOS Nanodevices 1
The new book offers a comprehensive review of the state-of-the-art in innovative Beyond-CMOS nanodevices, including the results of NANOFUNCTION Network of Excellence. Members from the team led by NCSD-INN Director of Research Dr. Androula G. Nassiopoulou are among its authors.
John Wiley & Sons has recently published a book, entitled Beyond-CMOS Nanodevices 1 and edited by Dr Francis Balestra, which presents the important results of the European project NANOFUNCTION. NCSR-"Demokritos"/INN researchers participated both in the project and the new book, including the Nano4NPS group leader Anroula Nassiopoulou.
The challenge for more powerful and smaller electronic devices is achieving a physical barrier. In the 'Beyond CMOS nano-devices for adding functionalities to CMOS' (NANOFUNCTION) Network of Excellence, a team of researchers from 15 academic and industrial partners in 10 European countries worked on how nanostructures can be integrated with Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) chips to add a vast array of new functionality on a tiny scale. Dr. Androula Nassiopouloy, Director of Research at NCSR "Demokritos"/INN and Head of the Nanostructure for Nanoelectronics, Photonics and Sensors (Nano4NPS) research group is among the authors. Other Nano4NPS members co-authoring different chapters of the book are Emmanouel Hourdakis, Katerina Valalaki and Panagiotis Sarafis.
The new book offers a comprehensive review of the state-of-the-art in innovative Beyond-CMOS nanodevices for developing novel functionalities, logic and memories dedicated to researchers, engineers and students. Four chapters are counted with a relevant participation of the Nano4NPS researchers:
- Thermal Energy Harvesting This chapter presents some recent advances in the field of thermal energy harvesting, starting with thermoelectric energy harvesting, with a focus on the prospects of materials nanostructuration. (A. G. Nassiopoulou, E. Hourdakis and K. Valalaki are among the authors)
- Thermal Isolation Through Nanostructuring This chapter discusses the cooling of a platform, which requires the electronic coolers to extract heat by coupling to phonons within the platform material. (A. G. Nassiopoulou and K. Valalaki are among the authors)
- Substrate Technologies for Silicon-Integrated RF and mm-Wave Passive Devices This chapter discusses the state-of-the-art substrate technologies for integrating RF & mm-Wave passive devices along with CMOS electronics on the same chip. The chapter is focusing on the properties of porous Si and trap-rich High-Resistivity Si substrates. A comparison of passive devices on these substrates is also presented. (A. G. Nassiopoulou and P.Sarafis are the first authors)
- Metal Nanolines and Antennas for RF and mm-Wave Applications This chapter discusses the characterization and the properties of metal nanolines and possible applications of them, with a focus on antennas and on transmission lines (coplanar wavequides and microstrips). (A. G. Nassiopoulou and P.Sarafis are among the authors)
Book reference:
Beyond-CMOS Nanodevices 1 (Google Preview)
Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Editor(s): Francis Balestra
Published Online: 3 JUN 2014 03:44AM EST
Print ISBN: 9781848216549
Online ISBN: 9781118984772
DOI: 10.1002/9781118984772