Androula G. Nassiopoulou
Director of Research
Head of the Nano4NPS group
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Androula Nassiopoulou received the B.Sc. in Physics from the University of Athens in 1975 and the M.Sc. and Ph.D from the University of Paris XI (ORSAY) in 1977 and 1980 respectively. She then moved to the University of Reims, France as Associate Professor, from where she received the “habilitation to direct research” (Doctorat d’Etat) in 1985. She is with NCSR Demokritos, Institute of Microelectronics (IMEL) since 1986, directed IMEL and was member of the board of Management of NCSR Demokritos in 1996-2009 and Vice President of NCSR Demokritos in 2001-2003. She is currently a “Director of Research” at NCSR Demokritos (IMEL), Head of the “Nanostructures for Nanoelectronics and Sensors” research group, member of the Scientific Community Council of the EU Nanoelectronics platform (ENIAC), member of the Governing Board of the European Institute of Nanoelectronics (Sinano) and President of the Greek National Scientific Society “Micro & Nano”. Her current research interests are on Si nanostructures and nanostructured porous materials for applications in RF, sensors, solar cells and nanoelectronic devices. She is author/co-author of more than 250 publications in international journals and reviews, chaired or co-chaired more than 15 international conferences, edited/co-edited 15 research paper volumes (special issues in specific research fields and conference proceedings) and supervised more than 20 PhD theses. |
Group of Technicians in Clean Room
Manolis Sergis
Efi Bolomiti
Christina Georghiou
Georgios Mantziaris
SEM Operator
Christina Skoulikidou
Researchers | |||||
C. Contopanagos (Senior) |
C. Tsamis
(Senior) |
On contract |
E. Michelakaki | |||||
Post-Doc | |||||
A. Sotiropoulos D. Pagonis |
A. Kaidatzis G. Kaltsas |
A. Salonidou X. Zianni |
M.Theodoropoulou | ||
PhD Alumnni |
F. Zacharatos P. Photopoulos V. Tsakiri E. Valamontes |
V. Gianneta M. Kokkonou A. Zoi |
D. Pagonis A. Petropoulos G. Kaltsas |
A. F. Olzierski A. Salonidou S.Grigoropoulos |
MsC Theses |
I. Leontis Τ. Valsamidis A. Salonidou |
A. Ganatsiou
G. Poulis D. Pagonis |
P. Dougleris N.Karageorgakis V. Tsakiri |
V. Gianneta Th. Argyropoulos |
Diploma Theses |
C. Katzogridakis T. Arsouze G. Kaltsas |
T. Kafetzis
A. Antonopoulos Th. Koukloumpakos |
A. Lavmenier A. Loisy E. Manolarakis |
P. Giannopoulou S. Grigoropoulos |